Friday, June 4, 2010

Yet another on this everlasting oil spill

Background: The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico may have commited a crime said U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder also said that they have launched a criminal and civil investigation. The investigations will cover all aspects of the spill including the death of 11 workers from the explosion and fire that started the oil leak. Holder said that there will be no rest until justice is done. If anyone is found responsible for this trajedy they must be held accountable.

Opinion: I totally agree with this investigation into this trajic but preventable oil spill. I heard on the news that they BP actually bribed the safety inspectors so they would sign them off as safe. So BP new they were breaking the laws and regulations of oil drilling just so they could more money into there bank account. Oh wait now they have an oil spill on there hands and this could potentially put them out of business. I won't be made because when you break the law you know you will be caught and you know there will be consequences.

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