Thursday, February 11, 2010

American's Soon to Know there fate from Haiti Judge

Background: I'm sure everyone in the world knows by now there has been a devastating earthquake in Haiti. Relief efforts have been working around the clock since its happened, and the American people have donated a record amount of money to help out. So many people have helped out and even gone down there to do what they can, well 10 Americans had the right intentions to help 33 Haitian children but they ended up getting in legal trouble for it. The 10 Americans tried to bring 33 children from Haiti into the Dominican Republic so they could transport the children back home to America where families were willing to take and adopt them. The got caught however and now they are all facing felony child trafficking charges. A Haiti judge will rule as early as today on the case, so the 10 American missionaries could get prison time for there actions.

Opinion: I think these people had the right intentions for these orphans, they just had the wrong way of going about it. They said in the article that they got permission from the kids parents to take them, but since they already had the permission, why not just go that extra step and ask the government to bring these orphans back to America where they would be accepted by families? Yes its considered child trafficking, but i think the Haitian government needs to look at the situation, some of these kids have no family left, and I'm sure most don't even have a home left, the government should just look at that and see that it is for the good of the kids. I can see where you should press charges if they took the kids against there will, but in this situation, just give the missionaries a fine. You don't need to put them in jail for trying to help out other peoples lives.

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