Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Every teacher fired at school in Rhode Island

Background: Central Falls School District in Rhode Island just announced that they were firing every teacher in the high school. Why? It's because of test scores and the amount of failing students attending there. The school board voted 5-2 on the subject, so after the end of the school year, every teacher will be out of a job. Although they said they would hire about 50% of the teachers back next year. The school is in one of the worst towns in Rhode Island with the average community income per person is $22,000. Of the 800 students, 65 percent are Hispanic, and for most of them, English is a second language. Half of the students are failing every subject, with 55 percent skilled in reading and 7 percent proficient in math, but they still made improvements over the last few years. There has been talks going on with the superintendent and the teachers and there is room for debate.

Opinion: To me it sounds like it isn't really the teachers fault here, especially in a high school. It's different when kids are learning anything in elementary because in elementary you don't have the urge to stand up to the teachers or choose not to learn, but in high school its different. Kids have attitudes and they make there own decisions on whether or not they want to learn anything. Its not the teachers fault if the kids they are trying to teach aren't learning anything. In most cases its the kids themselves that don't choose to learn. So i think the school board made the wrong decision here. Its especially hard when you are dealing with the situation the teachers are faced with... Like poverty, and Hispanics that have English as there second language. I think the school board under estimated the challenge the teachers are facing at Central Falls High.

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