Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama slaims insurers, demands healthcare refrom

Background: Obama went to Ohio on March 15th campaigning for his new health care reform bill that he wants so badly to pass. He said he was confident they would get the necessary votes to pass this bill. If the bill is passed and signed the reform proposal would be the biggest expansion of federal health care guarantees since the enactment of Medicare and Medicaid more than four decades ago. The plan is expected to extend insurance coverage to more than 30 million Americans. The Senate bill would reduce federal deficits by about $118 billion over 10 years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The Republicans though said they will do all they can to stop this bill from being passed. GOP leaders have said the plan will do little to slow spiraling medical costs. They also say it will lead to higher premiums and taxes for middle-class families while resulting in deep Medicare cuts. Obama has made trips to Ohio, Missouri, and Pennsylvania and has delivered the same message through all of the states.

Opinion: I don't think socialized health care is the right thing for Americans and especially because of the way its getting passed. Obama is doing everything in is power to have this billed get passed including making some back room deals just to get his 216 votes. I think with obesity being a problem and so many other major health concerns in America, socialized health care isn't the way to fix health care in America. Especially because it makes everyone in America have some sort of health insurance. It's just another small thing the government is doing to take the freedom out of this country. They said it will over 10 years reduce the national debt because people won't have to pay for insurance and all the things insurance comes with. I sure hope they are right because if it doesn't it will be a total failure because our national debt is already high enough.

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